Download Stalin The Enduring Legacy Kerry Bolton 9781908476425 Books

Download Stalin The Enduring Legacy Kerry Bolton 9781908476425 Books

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Download PDF Stalin  The Enduring Legacy Kerry Bolton 9781908476425 Books

Stalin The Enduring Legacy considers the ‘Man of Steel’ in a manner that will outrage dogmatists of both Left and Right. Stalinist Russia is reassessed as a state that transcended Marxism, and proceeded on a nationalist and imperial path rather than as the citadel of ‘world revolution’. Stalin reversed many early Bolshevik policies re-instituting, for example, the traditional family. He abolished the Communist International, championed ‘realism’ in the arts and rejected post-1945 US plans for a ‘new world order’. Despite so-called ‘de-Stalinization’ after his death, the Soviet bloc continued to oppose globalism, as does Putin’s Russia. Stalin The Enduring Legacy, examines the anti-Marxist character of Stalinism, the legitimacy of the Moscow Trials against the ‘Old Bolsheviks’, the origins of the Cold War, the development of Trotskyism as a tool of US foreign policy, the question of Stalin’s murder, and the relevance of Russia to the future of world power politics.‘Dr. Bolton’s book Stalin The Enduring Legacy is a major contribution to the proper understanding of Russian, as well as American, politics and society in the twentieth century. It brushes aside the anti-Stalinist biases of the Trotskyist American chroniclers of this historical period to reveal the unquestionable integrity of Stalin as a nationalist leader. At the same time, it highlights the vital differences between the Russian national character rooted in the soil and history of Russia, and its opposite, the rootless Jewish cosmopolitanism that Trotskyist Marxism sought to impose on the Russians – as well as on the rest of the world’. - Dr Alexander Jacob

Download Stalin The Enduring Legacy Kerry Bolton 9781908476425 Books

"Bolton's book gave me real insight into the nature of the division between the Trotskyites and Stalin that Isaac Deutscher's book on Trotsky never gave me.

Bolton comes across as too sympathetic to Stalin, the second greatest mass murderer in modern history, but, if that doesn't get to you, you will get a lot of insight into what "cosmopolitanism" was and how some of the "alternative right" may view Stalin in the light of the shared opposition to globalization and the destruction of local cultures and peoples that apparently Bolton shares with Stalin.

Bolton is a very good and interesting writer.

If these questions interest you, then do consider buying the book."

Product details

  • Paperback 162 pages
  • Publisher Black House Publishing (September 21, 2012)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1908476427

Read Stalin  The Enduring Legacy Kerry Bolton 9781908476425 Books

Tags : Stalin - The Enduring Legacy [Kerry Bolton] on . Stalin The Enduring Legacy considers the ‘Man of Steel’ in a manner that will outrage dogmatists of both Left and Right. Stalinist Russia is reassessed as a state that transcended Marxism,Kerry Bolton,Stalin - The Enduring Legacy,Black House Publishing,1908476427,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Presidents Heads of State,Biography Autobiography / Presidents Heads of State,Biography / Autobiography,Europe - Russia the Former Soviet Union,European history,History Europe - Russia the Former Soviet Union,History Revolutionary,History/Revolutionary,History/Russia the Former Soviet Union,Political Science/Political Ideologies - Communism, Post-Communism Socialism,Political Science/World - Russian Former Soviet Union,Presidents Heads of State,Revolutionary,Political Science / Political Ideologies / Communism, Post-Communism Socialism

Stalin The Enduring Legacy Kerry Bolton 9781908476425 Books Reviews :

Stalin The Enduring Legacy Kerry Bolton 9781908476425 Books Reviews

  • Great book! I love how short it was (about 150 pages) but it probably could have even shorter. The bulk of the book tries to show how Trotsky is a globalist whom the nationalist Stalin was justified in removing. Too much time is spent here. I wanted to learn about how Stalin was a nationalist, anti-globalist.

    On that account, the book delivers. As an "alt-right" kind of person, I had no idea you could look at Stalin in this way. Bolton doesn't even try to address the negative parts of Stalin's reign. It doesn't even matter. Bolton is simply trying to demonstrate that Stalin is another in the long line of anti-globalist nationalists.

    I'd seen the hints of Soviet nationalism before. Their anthem is sure nationalistic, as is the Soviet culture. It seems not at all the "international Marxism" of people like Trotsky.

    I only wonder then why did Hitler have to invade? If they were both opponents of globalism, it seems a waste that they went to war with each other. I've read Irving and Suvorov, and my impression at this time is that Stalin was infringing on the Romanian oil fields and thereby violating their pact.

    I don't seem to understand here you can't really be a nationalist AND an imperialist. Those are quite different. An imperialist wants domination; a nationalist wants traditional borders and a revived culture. I think Stalin was an imperialist, Hitler was a nationalist. After the National Socialists disturbed Stalin's ambitions, they were FORCED to become nationalist and assumed the role taken by the National Socialists.

    I want to read more works in this vein. I've been searching and they seem difficult to find. Most biographies are either gore porn about genocides and exterminations or Marxist masturbation. There seems to be little here written from the Nationalist perspective. Bolton includes many articles, but I like reading books.

    Overall a good book, I recommend.
  • Bolton's book gave me real insight into the nature of the division between the Trotskyites and Stalin that Isaac Deutscher's book on Trotsky never gave me.

    Bolton comes across as too sympathetic to Stalin, the second greatest mass murderer in modern history, but, if that doesn't get to you, you will get a lot of insight into what "cosmopolitanism" was and how some of the "alternative right" may view Stalin in the light of the shared opposition to globalization and the destruction of local cultures and peoples that apparently Bolton shares with Stalin.

    Bolton is a very good and interesting writer.

    If these questions interest you, then do consider buying the book.
  • While most interpretations of Stalin approach their subject from either radically left or rigidly center perspectives, complicating the matter through their own prejudices, this is the explanation that actually made the most sense to me.
  • Excellent book. One of the most obscured historical topics is the conflict between Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky. In this book we finally discover that Stalin, the brutal paranoid psychopath that he doubtless was, actually tried to restore traditional Russian values and defeat the amoral, subversive and destructive ideology of international Marxism as represented by Trotsky and his cohorts. Trotsky's ideological descendants accused Stalin of being anti-semitic based upon the fact that many of Stalin's prominent enemies were Jewish. But I don't think Stalin was actually motivated by anti-Jewish attitudes since he had Jews as his closest advisers. The confusion lies in the simple fact that many of the leading Trotskyites and Old Bolsheviks were Jewish by ethnicity and so these people inevitably ended-up either in gulags or dead.

    Although Stalin may have had a few redeeming qualities, nothing can whitewash his horrendous record of mass-murder, particularly the deliberate starvation of millions of Ukrainians.
