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PDF Davis Kathi S Barton Books


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Vicki Carver had seen all the carnage from what appeared to be some kind of battle and just stopped long enough to see if the big man was alive or dead like the rest of them. That large broadsword in his hand had her keep her distance. Pitching a pebble or two at his face should arouse him if he was indeed still alive. Davis Brown was thoroughly exhausted, but he couldn't ignore the small stones pelting his face. If it was more malefactors to fight he'd just have to let them do him in. He was too tired to fight again so soon. To his surprise it was a woman―not just any woman―but a feisty vixen who was not only beautiful but could see the malefactors. That meant that she was either magical or one of them―a warrior―his mate.... Vicki had her own demons to battle and to be thrown into a mystical battle with Rembrandt's warriors to save their world from being overrun by malefactors wasn't anything she had planned for, much less this mate business. Who did he think he was anyway? But she couldn't seem to resist the hot, sexy man that brought her to the compound....

PDF Davis Kathi S Barton Books

"Wonderful, as always."

Product details

  • Hardcover 224 pages
  • Publisher World Castle Publishing (June 4, 2015)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1629892734

Read Davis Kathi S Barton Books

Tags : Davis (9781629892733) Kathi S. Barton Books,Kathi S. Barton,Davis,World Castle Publishing,1629892734,Fiction - Romance,Fiction / Romance / Erotica,Fiction Romance - Fantasy,Fiction Romance - Paranormal,Fiction/Romance - Fantasy,Fiction/Romance - Paranormal - General,Romance,Romance - Erotica,Romance - Fantasy,Romance - Paranormal - General

Davis Kathi S Barton Books Reviews :

Davis Kathi S Barton Books Reviews

  • Davis has just started working with Remy and Skylar on taking care of the malefactors. But as their numbers grow the Brotherhood knows they will soon be outnumbered. For as many as they kill thousands, if not millions are being made each day. On the brink of death, Davis is getting a second chance to live thanks to the man in black, now it's just a waiting game until the rest of the people arrive to the compound.

    **"You can be my warrior, and I'll be yours."**

    Vicki never thought helping a stranger would turn her already weird world more upside down than it already is. He brother, Randall is taking all the money she can bring in and there are now pale/greyish people walking around. When she learns she's more than human and the woman she thought was her mother isn't Vicki doesn't have time to wallow in pity, because Benton, Ward, and Dolin are determined to rid the Earth of Remy, the Brotherhood, and Hector to take it over.

    **"Yeah, I'm not sure I'd like to know what either of them consider girl talk. They might just be trying to figure out which of us to murder first."**

    I loved Davis and Vicki's book. Vicki isn't one to just accept things that are thrown at her. She fights back at all costs and will do anything to protect those she loves.
  • This was another great read, love how the characters in the first book are also in the second book and how their little group has now turned into a little community where more people have asked to join them. I love how it was explained that their are suppose to be 12 warriors to show up to help fight the evil bad guys, but was told only six warrior men would come, but the other six warriors will be their mates. Where once they each meet their mates, the powers that they were given will become so much more! This is such a great series i cannot wait to read Leo's book and hope that he will get his HEA and finally be happy. I ll explain a little about Leo. Leo was a school teacher and was dying of cancer and was told he had only a month to live. His ex fiance is one cold heartless cow, who decided to dump him 2 weeks before their wedding because of her so call STATION, she didnt want to marry and take care of someone who was dying, and that once he's dead will she get his insurance policy money thinking that he had already put her name on the policy which he didnt! Thank goodness!! So there he is, lying in the hospital and dying when Hector visited him and gave him a second chance at life and then some! I cant wait to read his book next and see who his heroine is going to be! So excited, this is a definite must read.
  • I absolutely loved this story! The more I read about the Brotherhood, the more I want to read. These stories, so far, are geared more toward the fantasy/suspense genre, with a little passion and romance thrown in, but they have been fantastic. I can't wait to read Leo's story.
  • Same as Rembrandt, I lost interest in the first few pages. Love anything that this author writes. Just not these 2 books. I got bored.
  • Wonderful, as always.
  • Loved it
  • I love how Davis and Vicki first meet. She's concerned for a complete stranger, yet doesn't have a TSTL moment where she gets too close. She throws pebbles at him instead. LOL I love that. Of course, Davis is alive. It's his book after all. Unfortunately, Vicki is gravely injured by a malefactor while trying to help. Thankfully, Remy and Skylar are there and can fly Davis and Vicki to the compound. Davis is instantly possessive of Vicki. I love when that happens. Vicki makes a full recovery because she has her own abilities as we all (yep, all...Vicki doesn't know she isn't human.) find out later. Davis and Vicki get very hot and steamy (Wow!) very quickly during her recovery. While they're adjusting to their new relationship, the malefactors are still causing problems, along with their creators, which we get more of a backstory on and see what exactly Hector's part was in all of it. Plus, Leo is here. Leo joins the Brotherhood and he brought some baggage along in the form of a huge chip on his shoulder. But, he does have reasons. This was a great book and I can't wait to see what's coming next. I highly recommend this series to anyone that loves paranormal romance or would like to try it.
  • Book 2 of the blood brotherhood takes us farther into this magical storyline. With each book more and more information is provided to help the reader understand the who and whys of the predicament that Rembrandt and his warriors find themselves in. Davis was a cop before he became a warrior, not really sure of his new purpose he strives to understand as he battles the evil around him. Vicki is a nurse who throws pebbles at a big mad with a sword sitting in an alley amidst the remains of a bloody battle. Both characters are drawn into the fight without their consent, each is special but together they are powerful. I really am enjoying this series, it is full of wonderful unimaginable things that are both good and bad. Having the abilities that the warriors have would be very cool but the evil they have to face is very scary. I find it interesting that greed and power are universal no matter the species ,world or dimension. Some people will do anything to obtain that prestige no matter who is hurt in the process. As the story progresses, the warriors are learning to become a family finding comfort in the face of all they have lost and stronger as they continue to grow together and individually. As always Ms. Barton's imagination keeps me turning the pages as fast as I can and leaves me wanting more when I get to the end.
